Our freedoms and security, fought and died for by Canadians and their allies, are under attack. The biggest threats to our freedom are too much government, the eco-lobby, and censors posing as human rights commissions. Our biggest security threat is Islam.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

UN resolution seeks to criminalize non Islamic thought

At Slate.com, Christopher Hitchens warns us about the threat to our freedom that is Islam. Our fundamental beliefs about individual rights are being challenged in our own courts, by the emissaries of Islam and its barbaric sharia laws.

Let's wake up!

Don't Say A Word


Patrick Ross said...

Your headline is a little sensationalist, although I share the bulk of your concerns.

The best way to make anything oppressive is to put it beyond scrutiny.

Making it illegal to criticize Islam can only lead to one thing.

cousinarlo said...

"Making it illegal to criticize Islam can only lead to one thing."

Something like, "we're screwed?"