Our freedoms and security, fought and died for by Canadians and their allies, are under attack. The biggest threats to our freedom are too much government, the eco-lobby, and censors posing as human rights commissions. Our biggest security threat is Islam.
Monday, January 13, 2025
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Should there be another grooming inquiry? | The Daily T Podcast
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
🚨 Dominik Tarczyński dropping some truth bombs on the FAILURE of the European Parliament! 💥💣 It's time to wake up and smell the incompetence, folks! #EUFail #DominikTarczyński #wakeupcall
Monday, March 8, 2021
Friday, January 29, 2021
Canada Marches Toward Totalitarian Rule
People are being arrested for chanting at protests against the virus lockup. They are being fined for trying to earn their living. People are being encouraged to snitch on neighbours to the police.
And now, reporters who publish non-classified but embarrassing (to the government) documents receive a "friendly" visit from the RCMP.
UPDATE January 11/25: The most corrupt Prime Minister in Canadian history is almost gone. He says he'll leave after the party gets a new leader. No dates mentioned of course. Meanwhile he is being sued on the grounds that he has broken the rules on proroguing of parliament.
Saturday, November 21, 2020
COVID-19 (The China Virus) Deaths
Here in Ontario, like most places, seniors in nursing homes make up the majority of deaths. Here are two graphics that illustrate that mostly-ignored fact: