When the CBC starts putting up blatantly biased surveys that attempt to classify everyone as a liberal, you know that we've hit bottom. Thanks to Sun News, I think we have a chance to cut through the left wing moocher/welfare state thinking that has hamstrung this country for years.
Back in the 1960's Pearson the peacenik decided we were a bunch of wishy washy pacifists that couldn't see right from wrong, much less stand up for the traditions and institutions that have served us so well for almost 150 years. Every liberal politician since, especially but not limited to Trudeau (the anti-christ), has preached bigger and bigger government, only retrenching when it looked like the conservative opposition was making gains.
The commies in the CRTC wouldn't make it a basic cable station (quelle surprise) so many Canadians who get 15 CBC/CTV/Global stations jammed into their receivers won't see it unless they pay more to their TV providers. Still, I think it can only help stem the tide of the big government, big taxes liberal elite propaganda campaign that stifles this country.
Good luck to Sun TV because Canada sure needs a dose of common sense and a cleansing from the pond scum that passes for liberalism these days.
Here's a clip from the Wall Street Journal talking about Sun News: